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Crewood Common Rd
Kingsley, WA6 8HT
United Kingdom

01928 788 020

Welcome to happy beef, a family business in Cheshire with two simple goals; to look after our cows, and make sure that our grass-fed beef tastes great! Our cows are only fed with grass, which provides them with 100% of their needed nutrients, 100% of the time. We love to have visitors and we are always happy for you to meet the herd. Please feel free to stop by and say hello.


Everything we currently have in stock.

All our beef is hand-cut so weights may vary slightly

Orders are delivered from frozen and dispatched to you within 48 hours except on Friday/Saturday as our courier doesn’t deliver on weekends. If you need something sooner though please call us and we’ll do our best to make it happen.

Being an artisan producer we dig special requests - just let us know what you have in mind


sold out


from £17.00

A pot roast classic!

A fantastic value cut that’s amazing slow cooked. With a well-defined grain and great flavour, you can’t go wrong with these!  You could carve the meat for a melt in the mouth roast dinner.  Or why not try pulling the meat with a sticky sauce.

All our beef is hand-cut so there’s a slight variation in thickness, but please let us know if you want your order cut extra-thick or extra-thin!

If you have any questions about the cuts or cows, we’ll be more than glad to help - just get in touch!

£17.00 per kg.

how hungry:
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