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Crewood Common Rd
Kingsley, WA6 8HT
United Kingdom

01928 788 020

Welcome to happy beef, a family business in Cheshire with two simple goals; to look after our cows, and make sure that our grass-fed beef tastes great! Our cows are only fed with grass, which provides them with 100% of their needed nutrients, 100% of the time. We love to have visitors and we are always happy for you to meet the herd. Please feel free to stop by and say hello.



Handpicked & Handmade

We opened in 1996, selling a unique collection of bespoke pieces. As a Seattle-based boutique we incorporate the culture and style of the city into our mix and attitude. Over the past decade our selection has evolved to become a well-edited assortment of contemporary designers and independent labels from the U.S. and abroad.